Program Objectives
The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program of Pokhara University aims to provide students with foundational knowledge and practical skills in various areas of business administration. It also intends to develop intellectual ability and managerial skills in students through business and other social science courses. Besides, the program helps the students to develop proper attitudes and qualities required for managing business functions. The program specifically aims to produce the graduates who:
- have a sound knowledge and proper conceptual underpinnings of business management,
- are well acquainted with the broad contexts of business organizations in Nepal and outside,
- possess analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills,
- possess the ability to use electronic media and computers to solve organizational problems,
- have the ability to work in teams and individually, and
- have awareness of the environmental factors, social/functional relationships, and ethical standards that affect business and administrative decisions within an organization.
Program Features
The BBA is a four-year program structured in eight semesters. A student needs to complete 120 credit hours of course work, project work, practicum and internship for graduation. Besides lectures, the classes are facilitated by case studies, group discussions, project assignments, field visits, class presentations and other teaching methods. In order to develop communication and interpersonal skills, students are emphasized to participate in class activities, group discussions and individual presentations. The medium of instruction and examination for this program will be English, and a student is expected to have good English language proficiency with acceptable communication skills.
Curriculum Structure
The curriculum is designed to equip students with the competencies, knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for success in management field. The coursework gives students a broad and holistic view of the challenges in today’s business environment. Besides lectures, the classes are facilitated by case studies, group discussion, project assignments, field visits, class presentations and other teaching methods. In addition to this, term-paper writing, seminars and project works are the common teaching methods used by the faculty to achieve the objectives of various courses. Throughout the program emphasis is placed on students’ active participation and involvement in learning with the role of a faculty member mostly confined to that of a guide and counselor.
Semester-wise Courses
Semester I
Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours |
ENG 110 | English 3 | 3 |
MTH 110 | Basic Mathematics | 3 |
ICT 110 | IT for Business | 3 |
BHS 110 | Behavioral Science | 3 |
MGT 111 | Principles of Management | 3 |
PRC 110 | Software Skills Practicum | 1 |
Semester II
Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours |
BUC 201 | Business Communication | 3 |
MTH 111 | Business Mathematics | 3 |
ECO 110 | Introduction to Microeconomics | 3 |
MGT 112 | Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior | 3 |
ACC 110 | Financial Accounting | 3 |
PRC 111 | Soft Skills Practicum | 1 |
Semester III
Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours |
STT 110 | Business Statistics | 3 |
ECO 111 | Introduction to Macroeconomics | 3 |
ACC 111 | Cost and Management Accounting | 3 |
FIN 110 | Essentials of Finance | 3 |
MKT 110 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
PRC 112 | Digital Marketing Practicum | 1 |
Semester IV
Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours |
STT 111 | Data Analysis | 3 |
MGT 113 | Business and Society | 3 |
RCH 110 | Business Research Methods | 3 |
MGT 114 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
FIN 111 | Introduction to Financial Management | 3 |
PRC 114 | Academic Writing | 1 |
Semester V
Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours |
MGT 115 | Entrepreneurship and Innovation | 3 |
MGT 116 | Fundamentals of Operations Management | 3 |
MIS 110 | Management Information System | 3 |
MGT 117 | Project Management | 3 |
Concentration I | 3 | |
PRC 113 | Fintech Practicum | 1 |
Semester VI
Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours |
MIS 111 | Essentials of eBusiness | 3 |
MGT 118 | International Business | 3 |
PRJ 110 | Project Work | 3 |
Concentration II | 3 | |
Elective I | 3 | |
PRJ 111 | Business Development Project | 2 |
Semester VII
Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours |
MGT 119 | Strategic Management | 3 |
LAW 110 | Business Law | 3 |
Concentration III | 3 | |
Elective II | 3 | |
MGT 120 | Business Environment | 3 |
PRJ 112 | Community Engagement Project | 2 |
Semester VIII
Course Code | Course Description | Credit Hours |
INT 110 | Internship | 6 |
Foundation Courses
These courses develop students’ communication skills and provide them with strong foundation in economics, behavioral science, statistics, mathematics, information technology, and legal environment of business. (33 Credit Hours)
ENG 110 | English | 3 |
MTH 110 | Basic Mathematics | 3 |
ICT 110 | IT for Business | 3 |
BHS 110 | Behavioral Science | 3 |
BUC 201 | Business Communication | 3 |
MTH 111 | Business Mathematics | 3 |
ECO 110 | Introduction to Microeconomics | 3 |
STT 110 | Business Statistics | 3 |
ECO 111 | Introduction to Macroeconomics | 3 |
STT 111 | Data Analysis and Modeling | 3 |
LAW 110 | Business Law | 3 |
Management Core Courses
These courses will help students to understand principles and practices in the basic and functional areas of management and develop their ability to synthesize and appreciate the interrelationships among these areas of management. (54 Credit Hours)
MGT 111 | Principles of Management | 3 |
MGT 112 | Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior | 3 |
ACC 110 | Financial Accounting | 3 |
ACC 111 | Cost and Management Accounting | 3 |
FIN 110 | Essentials of Finance | 3 |
MKT 110 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
MGT 113 | Business and Society | 3 |
RCH 110 | Business Research Methods | 3 |
MGT 114 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
FIN 111 | Introduction to Financial Management | 3 |
MGT 115 | Entrepreneurship and Innovation | 3 |
MGT 116 | Fundamentals of Operations Management | 3 |
MIS 110 | Management Information System | 3 |
MGT 117 | Project Management | 3 |
MGT 118 | International Business | 3 |
MGT 119 | Strategic Management | 3 |
MGT 120 | Business Environment | 3 |
Concentration/Specialization Courses
The concentration courses will help students to develop specialized and focused skills in the areas of their choice. Students are required to select three courses from any one of the concentration areas offered by the school/college. Any three courses from any one of following concentration area (9 Credit Hours)
ACC 310 | Auditing | 3 |
ACC 311 | Taxation | 3 |
ACC 312 | Advanced Management Accounting | 3 |
ACC313 | Management Control System | 3 |
ACC 314 | Accounting Reports and Financial Statement Analysis | 3 |
ACC 315 | Accounting for Project Management | 3 |
MKT 310 | Digital and Social Media Marketing | 3 |
MKT 311 | Promotion Management | 3 |
MKT 312 | Sales Management | 3 |
MKT 313 | Retail Marketing | 3 |
MKT 314 | Service Marketing | 3 |
MKT 315 | Brand Management | 3 |
MKT 316 | Rural Marketing | 3 |
MKT 317 | Marketing Research | 3 |
FIN 310 | Corporate Finance | 3 |
FIN 311 | Cooperatives Management | 3 |
FIN 312 | Microfinance | 3 |
FIN 313 | Fundamentals of Investment Management | 3 |
FIN 314 | International Finance | 3 |
FIN 315 | Risk Management and Insurance | 3 |
FIN 316 | Fundamentals of Financial Derivatives | 3 |
FIN 317 | Financial Institutions and Markets | 3 |
HRM310 | Labour Laws and Industrial Relations | 3 |
HRM 311 | Contemporary Issues in HRM | 3 |
HRM 312 | Compensation and Benefits Management | 3 |
HRM 313 | Negotiation and Conflict Management | 3 |
HRM 314 | Performance Appraisal | 3 |
HRM 315 | HR Analytics | 3 |
HRM 316 | Human Resource Development | 3 |
ENT 310 | Start-up Finance | 3 |
ENT 311 | Small Business Management | 3 |
ENT 312 | Entrepreneurial Finance | 3 |
ENT 313 | Management of Innovation and Creativity | 3 |
ENT 314 | Social Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENT 315 | Venture, Ideas and Models | 3 |
ENT 316 | Rural Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENT 317 | Online Business | 3 |
ENT 318 | Agri-Business Management | 3 |
ENT 319 | Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENT 320 | New Product Development for Entrepreneurs | 3 |
ICT 310 | Digital Economy | 3 |
ICT 311 | Business Analytics | 3 |
ICT 312 | Enterprise Resource Planning | 3 |
ICT 313 | IT Governance and Compliance | 3 |
ICT 314 | Cyber Security for Business | 3 |
ICT 315 | Supply Chain Analytics | 3 |
ICT 316 | Business Process Management | 3 |
ICT 317 | Management of Technology | 3 |
ICT 318 | Project Management | 3 |
ICT 319 | Event Management | 3 |
Elective Courses
The elective courses are non-business courses, based on social sciences. A student may select any two of the listed elective courses. These courses take place as other regular courses, and are graded in the same way. A college can also develop and offer any other non-business elective courses with the prior approval of the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Management Studies. (Any two courses from the following list) (6 Credit Hours)
NBE 251 | Critical Thinking and Problem Solving | 3 |
NBE 252 | Environmental Ethics and Sustainability | 3 |
NBE 253 | Philanthropy and Social Impact | 3 |
NBE 254 | Social Ecology and Environment | 3 |
NBE 256 | Seminar in Environmental Studies | 3 |
NBE 257 | Seminar in Sustainable Development | 3 |
NBE 258 | Management of Family Business | 3 |
NBE 259 | Society and Politics | 3 |
NBE 260 | Basic Econometrics | 3 |
NBE 261 | Media and Public Relations | 3 |
NBE 262 | Energy and Sustainable Development | 3 |
NBE 263 | Management of Technology | 3 |
NBE 264 | Population Dynamics and Development Challenges | 3 |
Elective Courses
The elective courses are non-business courses, based on social sciences. A student may select any two of the listed elective courses. These courses take place as other regular courses, and are graded in the same way. A college can also develop and offer any other non-business elective courses with the prior approval of the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Management Studies.
NBE 251 | Critical Thinking and Problem Solving | 3 |
NBE 252 | Environmental Ethics and Sustainability | 3 |
NBE 253 | Philanthropy and Social Impact | 3 |
NBE 254 | Social Ecology and Environment | 3 |
NBE 256 | Seminar in Environmental Studies | 3 |
NBE 257 | Seminar in Sustainable Development | 3 |
NBE 258 | Management of Family Business | 3 |
NBE 259 | Society and Politics | 3 |
NBE 260 | Basic Econometrics | 3 |
NBE 261 | Media and Public Relations | 3 |
NBE 262 | Energy and Sustainable Development | 3 |
NBE 263 | Management of Technology | 3 |
NBE 264 | Population Dynamics and Development Challenges | 3 |
Course Registration
Students are required to register courses at the beginning of each semester. Since registration is a very important procedural part of the credit system, all students must present themselves at the college. Registration in absence may be allowed only in rare cases at the discretion of principal. A student’s nominee cannot register for courses but will only be allowed to complete other formalities.
Teaching Pedagogy and learning values
The BBA Program adopts rigorous theoretical instruction complemented by case-based teaching, term-paper writing, seminars and project work to emphasize on the application of concepts and theories to identify, diagnose and solve managerial problems. Up-to-date and relevant course materials are used to provide students with a solid theoretical base and conceptual clarity. Throughout the program, emphasis is placed on active participation and involvement of students in learning with the role of a faculty member mostly confined to that of a guide and counselor.
Students are also encouraged to consult the faculty during office hours for academic assistance. SAIC also adopts critical approach to learning which offers the students long lasting benefits than conventional management courses.
Evaluation and Grading System
A student’s academic performance in a course is evaluated in two phases as:
- An Internally (session work) by the concerned faculty member through quizzes, tutorials, lab works, home assignments, Presentation, case studies, class tests, class participation, term papers etc.
- Externally by the Office of the Controller of Examination through Semester-end examinations.
- A fifty percent weight is given to internal and fifty percent weight is given to external evaluation (Semester-end examination) and A student is required to pass the internal and external evaluation independently and the final grade awarded to a student in a course is based on his/her consolidated performance in both internal and external evaluations.
- A student will get NOT Qualified (NQ) status in the internal evaluation if his/her performance falls below the minimum requirement. Such students will not be allowed to appear in the semester-end-examination of that particular course.
- The student’s performance is evaluated and graded on a letter grading system with a 4-point scale. In order to graduate, a student should achieve CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of 2.0 or better.
- Only in very rare and unusual circumstances, if a student cannot finish all the required works for the course, he/she may be awarded an incomplete grade of “I”. If all the required works are not completed within the following semester, the grade of “I” will be automatically converted into “F”.
Degree Requirements
For graduation a student should have:
- A ‘D’ or better grade in each of the courses as specified in the curricular structure section.
- Completed all the courses, project work and internship as specified in the curricular structure section within the maximum time period specified in the normal and maximum duration of study section.
- Completed the internship with ‘Pass’ grade.
- A CGPA of 2 or better.
A student, whose performance in the past semesters does not show the possibility of maintaining this CGPA, may be dismissed from the program.
Attendance Requirements
The students must attend every lecture, tutorial, seminar and practical classes. However, to accommodate for late registration, sickness and other contingencies,and the attendance requirements is set for a minimum of 80% of the classes actually held. If the student is absent from the college for more than four weeks without permission of the principal, his/her name will be removed from the college roll.
Requirement Details
Anyone having Intermediate of Higher Secondary or Proficiency Certificate Level or equivalent as recognized by Pokhara University can apply for admission to the Bachelor of Business Administration program. Admission to the program is based on academic promise of applicants as indicated by their academic records, statement of objectives, recommendations, scores on entrance test and performance in the personal interview.
Admission Process
The admission process at the college involves:
- Submission of complete application form, two letters of recommendations and transcripts of all previous degrees (SLC onwards) along with payment of the admission test fee within the date specified. The candidates, who are given provisional admission under special condition, are required to submit all necessary documents within a month of the beginning of regular classes. Otherwise, the admission will be cancelled
- Taking Admission Test Administered by the College. Applicants are tested for their aptitude to study management through a written Admission Test administered by the University/College. The test is designed to assess the applicants’ ability in verbal and quantitative reasoning and proficiency in English language.
- Personal Interview. After the applicants are short-listed on the basis of their score in the admission test and previous academic achievements, they are required to appear for a personal interview.